Collection: 高甄斈
獨立藝術工作者,專擅東方書畫創作。她的作品以山水、花鳥為主,偶爾也有半具象題材。經常採用隱喻技巧來描繪她所居住的空間。國立臺灣師範大學美術學系博士、2017年金門縣駐縣藝術家。任職世界彩墨藝術總會財務秘書、台灣藝術史研究學會行政秘書、長榮大學助理教授。獲磺溪獎、彩墨新人賞新人獎等,國內外個展11次、聯展多次。並參與The Holy Art Fair、漾藝術博覽會、2022-2024 WHATZ喜來登大飯店藝術博覽會、2018 ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會等展出。
Kao, Jen-Shyue is an independent artist specializing in Eastern painting and calligraphy. Her artwork primarily focuses on landscapes, flowers and birds, and occasionally incorporates semi-representational subjects. She frequently employs metaphorical techniques to depict the spaces she inhabits. She obtained her Ph.D. degree from the Department of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University. She served as the county artist-in-residence for Kinmen County in 2017. She holds positions as the Financial Secretary of the World Color Ink Art Association, Secretary of the Taiwan Art History Research Association, and Assistant Professor at Chang Jung Christian University. She has been recognized with awards such as the "Huangxi Award" and the "Newcomer Award" from the Color Ink Art Association. She has held 11 solo exhibitions and several group exhibitions. In addition, she has participated in "The Holy Art Fair", "Yang Art Fair", "WHATZ Art Fair", "ART TAIPEI Taipei International Art Fair" and so on.