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Sophie Leong

The Devils' temptation 01-Limited edition art print 5/30, 魔鬼誘惑, 藝術微噴版畫5/30, 84x120cm

The Devils' temptation 01-Limited edition art print 5/30, 魔鬼誘惑, 藝術微噴版畫5/30, 84x120cm

Regular price $38,000.00 TWD
Regular price Sale price $38,000.00 TWD
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The painting presents the moment when people encounter the devils’ temptation. The seven representative devils, Lucifer, Mammon, Pan, Lamia, Beelzebub, Satan, and Belphegor, show how to tempt people into the seven deadly sins which are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. They change their faces, and wear beautiful masks to hide their original faces to tempt people by different methods and tools. This drawing provides an opportunity to face up extra desire in the dark side from peoples’ hearts. The idea of the background screen with a tree pattern alludes to the first temptation story of Adam and Eve, who are tempted by the snake to consume the fruit of the tree of knowledge. The snakes coming out from the grail symbolizes the spreading of the Devil's temptation around.

繪畫呈現了人們遇到魔鬼誘惑的時刻, 七位代表性惡魔路西法、瑪門、潘、拉米亞、別西卜、撒旦和貝爾菲格展示了如何引誘人們進入七大罪中,即驕傲、貪婪、色欲、嫉妒、暴食、憤怒和懶惰。 他們戴上漂亮的面具來隱藏原來的臉,用不同的方法和工具來誘惑人們。 這幅畫提供了一個機會讓人直面內心陰暗面及過多的慾望。 背景畫面採用樹狀圖案的屏封,暗示了亞當和夏娃的第一個誘惑故事,從聖杯中出來的蛇象徵誘惑的蔓延。查詢或購買請電郵

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